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Windows Style Builder / Bug Reports / Re: That Dialog Bug Revisited.
on: July 21, 2011, 06:41:36 am
It really is a strange bug. A show stopper for me since it's a pita to work around with constantly. And when I say constantly, I mean after the initial save/open dialog. Every time I call that dialog it fails to open, but it always opens up the first time.
Other / Other / Re: Strange Explorer.exe problem...
on: July 20, 2011, 04:25:47 am
Yeah, I disabled them all from startup and even stopped the services, but it still gave me that problem so in the end I reinstalled over and don't have the problem anymore.
Other / Other / Strange Explorer.exe problem...
on: July 19, 2011, 03:47:30 am
Whenever the explorer process starts up it always gives me the Explorer window rather than the taskbar and such. Is this due to theming?
Sometimes when I log into my account the Explorer.exe window pops up and nothing else, so I have to log out and log in. Usually it loads properly the second time. I can't seem to track down as to why this is happening (its been going on for some time now, but enough is enough).
Tips and Visual Styles / Tips and Tricks / Re: Alpha conversion bug workaround.
on: June 23, 2011, 09:33:14 am
Alternative method I just discovered.
• Shift + Import the image into WSB. • Open the Preview Window (click the preview pane) • Hit Export • Shift + Import the exported image back into WSB.
Back in 2008 I labeled this as a bug, however since for whatever reason K-Johnson's method failed on me on this one image I did this and it worked perfectly, so I now call it an undocumented feature.
Sweet find, I'll have to try it out. Thanks for sharing!
Other / Other / Re: Dear AVE
on: December 02, 2010, 12:37:19 am
He seemed like he had it all planned out, too. 
Tips and Visual Styles / Tips and Tricks / Re: Move/Add Images Video
on: October 08, 2010, 04:32:14 am
Hehe, thanks for sharing. I do a lot of this kinda of shortcuttery (wotd) outside of VSB so naturally I try them in VSB and it works.
Here's another one: Instead of using the dialog to import images, you can just click and drag the image into the preview part of the program and it'll ask if you want to stretch or replace. I have to resort to this otherwise VSB would be totally broken for me (common dialogs fail to show up after testing). It might need the filename property for it to hook on, but it works for me in most cases. Not sure if it still captures the Shift key when you import it that way.
Windows Style Builder / Bug Reports / Re: Testing Bug
on: September 29, 2010, 05:52:30 am
It's quite a critical bug. But it's probably not worth Ave's time in fixing it (since he has already spent much time and admitted defeat as far as I know). Plus, the guy has other commitments and this is more of a side, niche project. It feels awkward siding with him in this situation as this is a paid product that costs more than $5, one would expect a bit more attention and support. But on the other hand, I'm glad that it was released even without the full support and attention. Because this is still better than replacing images and hexing things by hand... especially when it works  BTW, I didn't have this bug in the first few versions of VSB, so somewhere down the line the dialog implementation or extended options screwed things up... or maybe this problem has been around since the beginning yet we never had trouble until later? I feel something's not getting cleared out as it doesn't fail immediately.
Windows Style Builder / Bug Reports / Re: Testing Bug
on: September 26, 2010, 10:01:06 pm
That happened to me before.
But I've found no way to get rid of this test problem, so I actually find the test bug more annoying than anything as I have to jump through hoops just to save the theme, etc.
Windows Style Builder / Bug Reports / Re: Testing Bug
on: September 25, 2010, 07:27:13 pm
It is a strange bug that I have, too. Makes the program a hassle to use. Unfortunately, it only occurs to some and not others, and Ave doesn't know why it happens. 
Help / Windows 7 / Re: Startmenu alpha value discrepancy
on: August 18, 2010, 02:56:36 am
Thanks, sunbeam2000 and K-Johnson. As it turns out, both the left and right half of my Start Menu use transparency around the edges of the images -- the area featured in my pic shows the error in the partially-transparent region.
One thing I've found, however, in my effort to explore the problem, is that even if I make both images completely opaque there is still a color discrepancy. I've also found that when I view the respective images in Win7 Style Builder's preview panel and grab screenshots of them to compare in Photoshop, the colors are correct. But when I [Test] the style, the colors in the PlacesList image are slightly altered while the ProgramList image remains correct (The ProgramList image is always correct, whether using partialy transparency or not). I have tried opening styles created by others which have the same colors at the edges of both images and replacing those images with my own. When I [Test] the style which had formerly displayed the original images properly, the color error is visible. Not sure what that means.
I'll try K-Johnson's suggested approach and see how that works. Thanks for the feedback, folks!
Hey, I fixed the steps so it should work now. The one I had you do wouldn't work; sorry about that. I went through the new steps to make sure I got the good results and I did, so I hope the same for you!
Help / Windows Vista / Re: Color changes when element has transparent areas.
on: August 16, 2010, 09:56:51 pm
Last time I asked, it was confirmed an alpha conversion bug. This bug also creates the ugly pixelated gradient banding/steps which can be seen when your graphic contains transparent gradients to areas like the taskbar. Strangely, this doesn't show if you use Reshacker/Restorator to replace the images themselves. Here's how I get around this when using VSB: 1. [Photoshop] Create image -> Save .PNG 2. [AlphaConv.exe (] Convert that .PNG to .BMP 3. [Photoshop] Select all and Copy Merge the original image (the image in step 1) -> Open newly converted .BMP -> Paste original image on top of converted .BMP and fill in the "Background" layer with black (#000000) 4. [Photoshop] Save this image as a BMP with File Format: Windows and Depth: 32-bit. 5. [AlphaConv] Change target format to .PNG and drag the newly created .BMP file into there. Proper alpha conversion is now applied to this image. Now replace it in VSB like you do any other image. The discoloration and gradient banding should disappear and your graphic untouched. It is a bit of a tedious process, but it gets the job done for now...
Help / Windows 7 / Re: Startmenu alpha value discrepancy
on: August 16, 2010, 09:56:15 pm
Last time I asked, it was confirmed an alpha conversion bug. This bug also creates the ugly pixelated gradient banding/steps which can be seen when your graphic contains transparent gradients to areas like the taskbar. Strangely, this doesn't show if you use Reshacker/Restorator to replace the images themselves. Here's how I get around this when using VSB: 1. [Photoshop] Create image -> Save .PNG 2. [AlphaConv.exe (] Convert that .PNG to .BMP 3. [Photoshop] Select all and Copy Merge the original image (the image in step 1) -> Open newly converted .BMP -> Paste original image on top of converted .BMP and fill in the "Background" layer with black (#000000) 4. [Photoshop] Save this image as a BMP with File Format: Windows and Depth: 32-bit. 5. [AlphaConv] Change target format to .PNG and drag the newly created .BMP file into there. Proper alpha conversion is now applied to this image. Now replace it in VSB like you do any other image. The discoloration and gradient banding should disappear and your graphic untouched. It is a bit of a tedious process, but it gets the job done for now...
Windows Style Builder / Bug Reports / Re: I figured out what causes the dialog bug.
on: May 13, 2010, 12:17:11 am
Sometimes the "Waiting on Image Editing" dialog disappears after I click the edit, thus making it impossible to click 'Done Editing Image'. Now that you discovered the culprit, any word on when Ave will get around to looking at the code there to fix the bug? Is there another version in the works?
Help / Windows 7 / Re: WSB Right Click Menu
on: May 12, 2010, 10:10:44 pm
I just tried to make a StyleHack of the the whole taskbar & it will not let me I have to open the tree more & save it in smaller parts. Is that the way it works? Jerry
It used to work in older VSB versions. This is one problem I met when converting my Vista theme to work with Windows 7 (some properties and such weren't copied over by the auto-conversion). Maybe in the next version they can get this working again.
Help / Windows 7 / Re: Taskbar Size with normal icons (Large)
on: April 18, 2010, 10:42:05 am
I wish I could help you but I forget how to theme  I should've documented everything I've done. Mostly played around with values with a lot of testing here and there to get things to look right.
Other / Other / AveStyler Download.
on: March 27, 2010, 03:58:43 am
Can anyone PM me their copy of the latest AveStyler available? I tried downloading months earlier to no avail, and I tried again today and it's still down. Perhaps someone should host a mirror for Ave.
Other / Other / Re: Concepts and Advice
on: March 17, 2010, 09:27:45 am
I haven't released any themes, because I don't feel good enough yet. Before VSB 1.2, I hadn't made a theme since XP pre SP1, and so I wanted to wait until the tool was sufficiently robust enough where the bugs are ironed out. I also enjoy designing, as opposed to technically building, so I am constantly trying out ideas, and designs, just until I find something that looks good that others will like, but I also mess about with WPF control design and other ideas.
"I don't feel good enough yet" -- what do you mean by this? What do you have problems with? I'm sure if you ask you will receive an answer. I made several guides on here; as much as I would like to make more, I don't have the time. Like most of us, I'd rather spend that precious time doing something I enjoy like actually theming. But I also like to give back to the community so I help whenever I could (especially last year). The biggest, most annoying bug for me right now is WSB's poor handling of transparent gradients, which will net you ugly banding that irritates me. It irritates me so much I think twice about opening WSB. I haven't actually done much in WSB this year, as I was hoping Ave would fix it, but it seems that it is a tough one. And with PandaX being busy, I'm not sure if Ave would have the motivation or the push to continue. The problem with themers, are that they either have no true design sense, like most windows blinds themes, or they are technically minded and so the themes are the result of dll hacking, which isn't design friendly.
I would like to say that I have design sense (within limitations set by Aero). Not sure what you mean by "the themes are the result of dll hacking" -- DLL hacking is necessary for some elements, and if you have a niche look like minimalism, it is necessary to hack those files because the default controls of Aero would look very out of place. People bemoan the lack of activity, or creativity in themeing, and I think a lot of great things are taking place, but its only ever finished themes, and there is no collaboration, sharing of ideas, exploring of what can be achieved with msstyles and its limitations. Part of this is because of some themers who are not welcoming to others, the inherent technical level of knowledge you need to know (understanding how things work as they do), and the general lack of conversation that goes one.
Theming takes an immense amount of time if you are a pixel-perfectionist and a completionist like I am. Time is something most of us don't have, and when we do have it, we'd rather spend it on ourselves when it comes to theming. Many of us have explored the msstyles and its limitations within WSB when the program was first released. I remember finding things and posting my finds along with other people. The problem is that none of this was properly documented and are scattered amongst the many threads, and so it becomes even more difficult for beginners to grasp (when the program was first released, everyone here were beginners and we were all learning together, sharing our finds and helping us map through the forest of parts). I have made some guides that I hope would help people grasp certain things, like the sizing margin property.
Other / Other / What's new?
on: February 01, 2010, 08:14:30 am
Hi, I've been juggling school, and working for clients and other personal projects on the weekend so I have no time for VSB.  I haven't even opened VSB yet -- I think I reinstalled it in December. I really want to get back to theming. But besides lack of time, there is one large demotivator for me (you would think it wouldn't matter but I waste my precious time on it, and even more on Windows 7 considering how many elements are of transparent nature like the taskbar buttons and their different orientations). What annoyed me? - Transparent gradients are often darker and come out with gradient bands when imported fresh from Photoshop -- has this been fixed yet? I waste a lot of time opening and adding alpha channeling and converting it with a program to where VSB can see it and accept it. It really is a pain in the ass for many of us pixel perfectionists (at least within the limitations of Windows theming >_>). Also, has there been any news of further 'hacking' with DuiXML? Has the animations been fixed? Perhaps some new styling or properties that can add the engraved look in areas dictated by DuiXML? Has anyone found a way to unlink the Grouped text in explorer with one of the global properties? So many questions, so little time. 
Main / Announcements / Re: AveStyler
on: December 10, 2009, 11:20:11 pm
Yeah, I forgot to mention that. I tried redownloading last week but the link wasn't active.
Tips and Visual Styles / Visual Styles / Re: modified:clsSharp (ClearScreen)
on: December 01, 2009, 12:16:20 am
Hi, I will check it out sometime, but after reformatting my PC and busy with other work I don't have much time now for theming  I hadn't installed VSB yet, I didn't patch my UXTheme, maybe this weekend... but I have to study for my Finals this weekend. Later in December I will have break from school and be able to check it out  Sorry for the wait. I'm interested to see what changes you have done.
Help / Windows 7 / Re: Clearscreen Sharp
on: November 04, 2009, 03:12:23 am
many thanks guys for the useful's very much appreciated.
sorry if it sounded as if I was complaining about your choice of transparency levels on your excellent style...I can assure it wasn't the case. I just prefer a different level of transparency as is possible in W7 as you said and was just wondering what level of work was involved in achieving it.
thanks again for your reply.
Not at all  I just like explaining my decisions, and felt I should answer here because it is my theme afterall 
Help / Windows 7 / Re: Clearscreen Sharp
on: November 03, 2009, 06:59:45 pm
Hi, I'm the creator of that theme. There is currently no way of adjusting the transparency there through VSB -- you would have to recreate the graphics to have a more transparent base. The reason why it is dark is because at the base layer of the graphic, I added about 50% (transparent) black. This is not controlled by the MSSTYLES, but rather by the graphic used. On Vista, I created the theme to partially reflect the feel of Vista (dark Taskbar/Start Menu). I decided to keep the same look for the port because I did not know how people would react to it. Perhaps people liked my theme because of the dark taskbar? I just played it safe and did what was expected in a port -- retain much of the graphics and feel. Anyway, I intend on creating a lighter Start Menu and Superbar to better mimic the default Windows 7 Aero visual style. When that will happen, I do not know, so in the meantime, if you have VSB, can recreate graphics, and have the time, feel free to mod it to your liking 
Other / Other / Re: Hacking away on the captionbuttons...
on: November 03, 2009, 03:17:28 pm
Cool demo.  Is it possible to change vertical height, or vertical centering? Reason why is because I want to have buttons not attached to the top, but vertically centered in the frame. The conflict I can see with this is the maximized titlebar height. But I think that area is 'intelligent' in the way it automatically size the titlebar area of the caption buttons, right?
Other / Other / Re: Hacking away on the captionbuttons...
on: November 03, 2009, 01:28:31 am
I can't log in as I'm subject to Fair Access Policy (used over 300MB accidentally today, my PC clock hicupped over DST and the time was messed up so my download manager didn't stop at the proper time)... speeds are below dialup  Do you think you'll be around by 1AM? It is currently 6:20 PM here.
Other / Other / Re: Hacking away on the captionbuttons...
on: November 03, 2009, 12:10:03 am
Amazing, this is something all of us skinners raise our fists at because it is so restricting. Is it possible to change the button height as well? If not, that's fine. The main problem was the close button's width, and you seemed to have solved that! Keep on hackin' 